Monday, 5 March 2018

A red letter day

It is neither a bitter pill that I have chosen to swallow nor to bite off more than I can eat but I have a bigger fish to fry in life than just be a normal citizen. Responsibility weighs heavier than mountain mass yet it will be so pity to let it slip off the hand. Hence, getting hold of obligations is a pass to the better future and for tomorrow belongs to our nation who involves in preparing today. Such men carry matchstick of ideas to light up the troubled situation to give the spark of peace and prosperity in our society.

Although so often I feel like I have my fingers in too many pies I want to stew my own juice to crack the crest of challenges. Thus, amidst the race of life against the clock, seldom comes such an opportunity to become a representative of masses, whereby removing thick layers of shyness I popped up in front of all to seize this opportunity in such a situation that came as an icing on the cake to hone my caliber so that I can bow and bent according to any situation leading self and mass alike.

Yes! The day came which required nothing to prove its auspiciousness when the white Khata got adorned around my neck which officially conferred the title Uephel puen Dhodam(captain) of the year 2018. I’m so grateful to my Puen members for unanimously electing me to this post. Having invested their trust in me I would like to serve everyone with utmost dedication so that we all can be the part of creating a successful story. We want to leave nothing but memorable footprints and take nothing but a sweet memory.


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