Sunday, 4 November 2018

List of books 2014-2017

1.       Half girlfried
-chaten Bagat
2. Only love is real
3. Nothing Lasts Forever
                -Sidney Seldon
4. Dali lama
5. After the Darkness
                -Sidney Seldon
6. Master of the Game
                -Sidney Seldon
7. Are You Afraid of the Dark?
                -Sidney Seldon
8. If Tomorrow comes…
                -Sidney Seldon
9. Morning Noon and Night
                -Sidney Seldon
10. The Sands of Time
                -Sidney Seldon
11. The Sky is Falling (10/3/15)
                -Sidney Seldon
12. Life of PI
13. The three mistakes of my life
                -Chatan Bhagat
14. Memoirs of Geisha
                -Arthur Golden
15. The Naked Face (17/3/15)
                -Sidney Sheldon
16. Rage of Angles (19/3/15)
                -Sidney Seldon
17. Twelve Red Herrings (7/4/15)
                -Jeffery Archer
18. A Prisoner of Birth
                -Jeffery Archer
19. Angles and Demons
                -Dan Brown
20. The Da Vinci Code (31/7/15)
                -Dan Brown
21. Digital Fortress (8/9/15)
                -Dan Brown
22. The Dhammapada (11/8/15)
23. Gone Tomorrow (15/8/5)
                -Lee child
24. Without Fail (22/8/15)
                -Lee Child
25. Solzen Lhentshoks Books on Description of ancient Buddhist relics and policies
26. The little books of Secrets (22/8/15)
                -Chris Prentiss
27. Brida (26/8/15)
                -Paulo Coelho
28. The Pilgrimage (27/8/15)
                -Paulo Coelho
29. The Alchemist (28/8/15)
                -Paulo Coelho
30. The Fifth Mountain (28/8/15)
                -Paulo Coelho
31. The Monk who sold his FERRARI (3/9/15)
                -Robin Sharma
32. How to enjoy your life and your job (6/9/15)
                -Dale Carnegie
33. 21 Laws of positive thinking
34. The Prophet
35. The Firm
                -John Grisham
36. The Winner Stands Alone (19/9/15)
                Paulo Coelho
37. The Zair (26/9/15)
                -Paulo Coelho
38. The Bridge Across Forever (23/9/15)
                - Richard Bach
39. The Ultimate Time (25/9/15)
                -Tim Stovall
40. Painted House (3/11/15)
41. Digital Photojournalism (3/11/15)
                -Balakrishna Ayier
42. To Kill a mocking Bird (10/11/15)
                -Luke Harper
43.Daughters of Arabia (10/11/15)
                -Jean Sasson
44. Rising Sun
                -Michael Crichton
45. Bachelors of Fine Arts (15/11/15)
                -RK Narayan
46. Eleven Mountain (18/1/16)
                -Paulo Coelho
47. Fundamentals of Journalism (25/1/16)
                -Shipra Kandra
48. The Philosophy of Branding (29/1/16)
                -Thom Braun
49. Journalism Principles and Practice ( Second Edition)
                -Tony Hareup
50. Success if never Ending, Failure is never Final (14/2/15)
                -Boberih Schuller
51. Coma
                -Robin Cook
52. The Bourne Identity (25/2/16)
                -Robert Ludlum
53. Theory of Everything (2/3/16)
                -Ken Willbur
54. Vocabulary of Newspaper (2/3/16)
55. In an Antique Land (1/3/16)
                -Amatav Gosh
56. SIDDHARTA (9/3/16)
                -Hermann Hesse
57. Grammar mode Essay (9/3/19)
                -Terry O’Brien
58. Public Relations (11/3/16)
                -Diwakar Sharma
59. Leadership (31/3/16)
60. The God Father (31/3/15)
                -Mario Puzo
61. Ramayana, The glorious Epic (4/4/16)
                -S.L.M Simha
62. The Power of positive Thinking (4/4/16)
                -Norman Vincent Peale
63. Post-Capitalist (8/4/16)
                -Peter F.Drucker
64. How to use your Brain (8/4/16)
                -John R.  Bews
65. The outline of American Literature (18/4/16)
66. Empty cloud, The autobiography of the Chinese Zen Master
                -Xu Yun
67. Gems of Buddhist Wisdom
68. The Dharmic Treasure, Alter-Sutra of the Sixth Patriarch
                -Venerable Cheng Kuen
69. Awaken to Buddha Within
                -Ven. Shi Wuling
70. Taming the monkey mind
71. Mind-Seal of Bhddhas
                -Patriarch Ou-i
72. Buddhism: the awakening and compassion and wisdom
                -Venerable Master Chin Kung
73. Going Home to the Pure Land
74. The Five Pureland Sutras
75. Everything we do matters
                -Venerable Wuling
76. I wonder Why?
-Thubten Choden
77. Sutra of the Past vows of Earth Store Bodhisattava
78. Realizing life, An ancient practice in the modern world
                -Shenphen Zangpo
79. Mindfulness in Plain English
80. Essence of the infinite life sutra
                -Chin Kung
81. The Buddhist Liturgy
82. The Escapades
                -Dorji Dradyul
83. The Bourne Supermacy
                -Robert Ludlum
84. Nyima Shargichoglay Sharwai Karma Namsum
                -Phuntsho Tashi
85. What the dog saw
                -Malcolon Galdwell
86. Family Wisdom
                -Robin Sharma
87. The Greatness Guide
                -Robin Sharma
88. The Greatness Guide- 2
                -Robin Sharma
89. The leader who had no Tittle
                -Robin Sharma
90. Living with Honor (5/8/16)
                -Shiv Khera
91. Freedom is not Free
                -Shiv Khera
92. Books of IQ Tests: Book 2
                -Kenrussel and Philip Carter
93. You can Win (9/8/16)
                -Shiv Khera
94. You can sell (19/8/16)
                -shiv khera
95. Salman Rushdie Fury
96. How to feel great about yourself
97. Who moved my Cheese?
                -Dr. Spencer Johnson
100. A thousand Splendid suns
                -Khaled Hosseinie
101. Loving and Dying
102. Paticcasamuppada, Practical dependent origination
                -Buddhadasa Bhikkhu
103. Gorampa’s Removal of Wrong Views
                -Gorabjamba Sonam Singye
104. Readers Digest (November 2010)
                -August -2016
105. Readers Digest (September 2010)
106. The Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam
-(translated by Edward FitzGerald)
107. How to be your own best friend (29/9/16)
                -Dr. Paul Hack
108. I’m right, You are wrong (29/9/16)
                -Edward De Bono
109. The Happiness Handbook (Strategies for a happy life)
                -Dr. Timothy sharp
110. The man who would be King and other stories
                -Rudyard Kipling
111. The Cossaks and other Early stories
                -Lee Tolsty
112. The Good soldiers
                -Ford Madoic Ford
113. Pride and Prejudice
                -Jane Augustus
114. Frankenstein
                -Murry Skelley
115. Lomba (15/10/16)
                -Pema Euden 
116. Testimony (6/11/16)
                -Amita Sharene
115. I capture the Castle  (13/11/16)
                -Dodie Smith
116. Biography of Karma Wangzin
117. Biography of Sangay Chozom
118. Biography of GYAZA and BALZA (20/1016)
119. Journey to the moon and around the moon (jan,2017)
                -Jules Verne
120. Journey to the centre of the Earth (6/1/17)
                -Jules Verne
121.Alexander The Great (16/5/18
-Philip Freeman

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