Monday, 10 April 2017

Part-II, Dear Mr/Mrs. Immortal

Date: 17/9/16
Dear Mr/Mrs. Immortal
Wake up and listen without wavering. I can see pain in you and nervousness in your words. Nonetheless one way or other you will definitely have to face this same tune sooner or later. You must reorient yourself and remain centered in the oneness. The time has come to find your path because your physical breath has stopped and you begin to experience spirit in reality. You came all the way through physical death so far and roaming in the nature of void. In order not to mistake and clear the path forth, contemplate on peace, love, compassion and seek grace from your great spiritual teachers.

 You become feeble moment to moment when Buddha’s and bodhisattvas from every corner comes for your rescue but due to pre amassed defilements you see them as in the form of beasts, ghosts and so forth, thereby succumb to victim of all. No matter what terrifying vision may be, always remain composed and remember you yourself is in hold of key to breakthrough this very realm of endless suffering.
By going through your letter I understood that you’re attempting to hang on my support. Nevertheless there is no one who can defy the law of nature, goods beget peace and miscreant beget sorrow. You must follow the path created by your deeds accumulated in the previous life. Moreover I don’t possess and nobody owns this heavenly realm. Neither do anyone hold the key of all other five realm nor do they trap you to suffer but it is your own deed that penalizes you. 

Further, you are not going through the proper channel in seeking your next life. No one except Choekigyelpo can decide ones path. You are running out of time. Go to see Chokigyelpo, a man known to be king of truth. Remember same thing is occurring to everyone around you. Do you feel that’s okay to let others undergo same thing as you are experiencing at this very moment. Don’t you have any compassion upon them? Will you let them remain in this realm millions of eons to come? If not than go where your retained merit takes to and after sometime when time ripens for transmitting your present state of life, you will get to come visit here in this realm(haven).by than you gain prowess to shower blessings and dawn help on them.  But for now I regret to let you know that I don’t have any authority to pull you up abruptly. Moreover I’ve many more like you whom I need to attend.
Oh! God, great spiritual teachers and saints please guide him on the way until he achieve the nature of Buddhahood. Everyone desires to visit haven but few makes to it and nobody wants to go to hail but ultimately majority falls in that realm. Buddha’s and bodhisattvas, I pray for you on everyone’s behalf to relieve them all from suffering and take them to the land of ultimate bliss or copper colored-mountain.  

Yours truly,

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