Sunday, 26 March 2023

24 March 2023

I awoke to the gloomy weather that had soaked Richmond, British Columbia once more. Clouds banded together to satiate the presence of their texture against an empty blue sky. Upon performing my morning chores, I went to Bridgeport Station to ride the Skytrain to my college. The train was not as full as it had been on other days, but this did not concern me. Looking to the right, towards northern Vancouver, are snow-capped mountains that reminded me of my beautiful homeland. The memories stung me with a sweet venom, dousing past scenarios over my mind one after the other until I realized my departure from home that three months had elapsed since my arrival in Vancouver, British Columbia.

So many things went through my encounters, yet just a handful of them was valuable. I take those to my heart and prepare for the upcoming sessions. My Tier I likewise came to an end on this day by taking the 15-point quiz. That only took 35 minutes, and then there were some assignment reminders/discussions. After the class, I pulled through Yaletown's busy streets before boarding the train back home.

When I got home, it was already midday, and I promptly submitted my last assignment on the ACCT subject. It officially concluded my Tier-I, which was followed by a two-week sabbatical. Tier II will formally commence on April 11th, 2023, which I am quite excited about. Time passed by so quickly, and the first three months seemed like a cloud of dust billowing from my palm.

In the evening, I called my friends in Bhutan and had an hour-long teleconference with them. The major element of the conversation was updated on individual conditions and developments. It has filled the long sucked space of lonesomeness and restored my presence so as for me to strive harder for tomorrow.

It was written beneath a shower of spring sun rays, with the waving flowers in the air outside the window of 9211 Kilby Street, Richmond, BC.      

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